I’m interested in the effectiveness of Grammarly’s suggestions for revision in the context of teaching writing. What is the best way to combine teacher and Grammarly feedback? What will students do to improve their written work? And, most importantly, can Grammarly be used to enhance writing lessons? Let’s find out! After reviewing a few examples, I’ve decided to try Grammarly in my classroom. The feedback provided by Grammarly is concrete and useful, so I hope it will make my students’ writing better.
Student response to Grammarly’s feedback
Despite its potential for misuse in education, Grammarly’s feedback appears to improve students’ writing. In a recent study, Grammarly’s feedback was rated highly by students and teachers alike. When used with traditional teacher feedback, students were more likely to revise errors based on Grammarly’s feedback than on their own writing. The results of the study also show that students were able to focus on higher-level writing skills after receiving feedback from Grammarly.
Despite the widespread adoption of the tool by universities, a small number of studies have examined its effectiveness in university-level writing courses. Despite advertising itself as the world’s most accurate online grammar checker, only limited research has examined its efficacy as a feedback tool. We report the results of a pilot study using Grammarly in conjunction with academic learning advisor advice. This study used a mixed-method sequential explanatory design to compare student responses to Grammarly feedback with that of traditional writing feedback.
A survey was completed by all students in the study. A 5-point Likert-scale measuring tool was used to measure student responses. The items pertaining to grammar feedback included beliefs about the importance of grammar feedback in education, satisfaction with feedback provided, and amount of time students were granted to receive it. The data were analyzed for interaction effects. Overall, Grammarly’s feedback was rated highly by students in the study.
Student response to teacher feedback
When you use grammar checker software to help students improve their writing, the student response is generally pretty good. However, this doesn’t mean that Grammarly is perfect. Often, a student will accept the correction and move on, making the same mistakes again, perhaps weeks later. In other words, Grammarly isn’t teaching writing, it’s just a useful tool. But should teachers use Grammarly as part of their writing lesson planning?
In this study, students were asked to identify what they liked and disliked about Grammarly. Students who had used Grammarly more often than those who didn’t responded at all were more likely to say that the feedback was useful and didn’t complain about not receiving enough grammar advice. This was the case with students from both international and domestic cohorts. As a result, Grammarly is a useful tool for teachers when used in conjunction with teacher feedback and editing.
Another study examined the effect of teacher feedback on student revision. The results indicated that students used feedback from three different sources and accepted it. Grammarly feedback led to the least number of revision failures, which suggests that students believe in the feedback. Despite this, students still reported the lowest rates of revisions with the most accurate grammar checker. However, Grammarly feedback tended to be associated with higher rates of correct revision.
Student response to combined feedback
With the growing popularity of online tools and technology to support student learning, universities are turning to online tools such as Grammarly. However, very little research has been done on Grammarly’s efficacy as a writing feedback tool. In this study, we explored student perceptions of Grammarly as an online tool in conjunction with advice from an academic learning advisor. We used a mixed methods sequential explanatory design to compare students’ responses to both traditional feedback and Grammarly.
The results of the study showed that combined feedback from teachers and Grammarly was highly effective for revision. The feedback from both methods helped students improve their writing in several different aspects, such as grammar and vocabulary. However, students found combined feedback more valuable than feedback from teachers alone. Grammarly was associated with the highest proportion of revisions, while teacher feedback was most effective for revising sentence structure and idioms.
Despite these challenges, teachers have found Grammarly to be highly effective in supplementing writing instruction. In fact, some teachers even report increased student performance in writing after using Grammarly. Furthermore, students’ positive attitude toward feedback from both teacher and Grammarly is reflected in the Grammarly study. This research proves that Grammarly is an effective writing feedback tool, and teachers will no longer have to spend valuable time analyzing student essays or responding to feedback from the automated program.